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You Stand Out

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You Stand Out

You Stand out is a Cooperation partnerships in youth that aims to foster young people’s sense of initiative and employability, and promoting the empowerment of young people from rural areas, with a special focus on NEETs, and making them become the protagonists of the promotion and enhancement of local heritage. To achieve this aim the achievement of horizontal priority to digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity is expected too. The project is also in line with the SALTO PI Youth Participation Strategy that aims at “Promoting participation for all” and support the “development of young people’s competencies for youth participation through non-formal education and volunteering”.

The whole project priorities and objectives take also as reference the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular :

  • 13.3, which aims to improve education and institutional capacity regarding climate change mitigation. For this reason the aim is to include NEETs from rural areas in a training course to help them build their own solutions to global problems from grassroots initiatives
  • 8.6, which aims to substantially reduce the percentage of NEETs
  • 4.4, which seeks to substantially increase the number of youth who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for decent jobs and entrepreneurship
  • 10.2, which is to promote the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, reducing inequality. The tools that we want to transmit are knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development (SDG 4.7), as well as information and awareness, nevertheless a lifestyle in harmony with nature (SDG 12.8), with the intention of making the project not an end in itself, but to start a new way of social inclusion.

Project type

DOMAIN :  Cooperation partnership in youth
TERRITORY : Ireland, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, Italy, Cyprus
 : 24 months
PROJECT CARRIER: Meath Partnership (Ireland)


  1. Strengthening young people’s key compétences and sense of initiative
  2. Facilitate young people’s entry in the labour market and the creation of new figures supporting the promotion and development of rural areas
  3. Raise awareness of NEETs issues and their potential solutions through families, local communities, organisations, public institutions and SMEs

Project activities

  • Research analysis: digital marketing skills in rural areas and best practices
  • E-learning platform
  • Training for trainers toolkit on digital marketing skills for the promotion of rural heritage and active citizenship
  • Lesson learned and policy recommendations


Tandem plus (France)
NGO Nest Berlin EV (Germany)
The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre (Poland)