Key competences for all

Exchanging practice on building, measuring and improving Key competences for social and labour inclusion.

Project type

Erasmus + Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices. Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.

Domain : Exchanges of Practices
Territory : France (FR), Italy (IT), Germany (DE), Romania (RO)
Duration : 01-11-2017 to 31-08-2020

Project carrier :

Tandem Plus (France)


KC4ALL focuses on two interconnected objectives:

  1. Reinforce the transnational potential of the network and its members to operate at local level with the added value of the transnational cooperation, through a process of benchlearning, that is by sharing and confronting systems and solutions, methods and practices that they utilized or operate with in order to improve and adapt them to new challenges.
  2. Support the capacity of involved organizations and their local networks to improve their service provision and outreach especially for the targets with lower key skills (especially adults over 45, adults and young people with low educational attainments, migrants and refugees, NEETs and long-term unemployed to mention some groups).

Project’s Activities

  • Highlighting the acquisition of key competences that can in turn promote the acquisition of vocational skills / Souligner l’acquisition de compétences clés qui peuvent à leur tour promouvoir l’acquisition de compétences professionnelles.
  • Developing alternative VET and guidance forms learner-centered / Développer des formes alternatives d’EFP et d’orientation centrées sur l’apprenant.
  • Codifying the acquisition of key competences in informal and non-formal contexts / Codifier l’acquisition de compétences clés dans des contextes informels et non formels.
  • Interacting with different vulnerable groups and improve response to market needs and inclusion needs lowering mismatches, discrimination and exclusion / Interagir avec différents groupes vulnérables et améliorer la réponse aux besoins du marché et aux besoins d’inclusion en réduisant les discordances, la discrimination et l’exclusion.



  • Fédération des Centres d’Insertion (France)
  • Acli e. V. – Selbsthilfewerk fuer interkulturelle Arbeit (Germany)
  • CIBB (France)
  • Cooperativa Sociale FOLIAS a r.l. – ONLUS (Italy)
  • Asociatia FDP – Protagonisti in educatie (Romania)

Transnational timeline

  • 20-21 November 2017 : Kick-off meeting in Lille (France)